Keep excel workbooks up-to-date

Worry less about keeping data up-to-date. Extended ERP simplifies excel workbooks by pushing formulas and queries to the cloud.

Reports when you need them

More flexible, more reliable. Don't let your systems limit your reporting, take owenership of your data.

Manage your employees

You can manage user permissions and access to your private data. Only let your users see what you allow them to.

Custom reporting

The power to design your report however you want it. Use out of the box tools or design your report with Python.

Automate anything

We create workflows custom tailored to your business, no matter how complicated.

Custom workflows

Want to streamline your busiiness? Targeted cloud based RPA solutions make your workflows smarter and more cost effective then ever.

Worry-free automation

Workflow bots run 24/7 don't make mistakes, and never go on vacation. Use more of your system without having to grow your staff.

Third party integrations

Integrating software from scratch can be complicated. Choose from one of several pre-built integrations to save time and money.

Concurrency everywhere

Avoid double entry and conflicting data, sync multiple systems accross your business.

Less errors, less problems

Our platform reduces duplication of data and entry errors. We ensure inherent reconcilliation.

Ready to automate your accounting?

Through a blend of creativity, technical skill, and innovation, Extended ERP is committed to guiding our clients towards the full optimization of their business tools. What does this mean? Working with Extended ERP will help you gain a competitive edge in your industry.

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