We automate routine tasks, so you can pay more attention to your business

Extended ERP is built around your needs.

Custom reporting on-demand.

The Extended ERP Reporting module hosts both custom reports from web based third parties as well as advanced out-of-the-box reports from some of the most commonly used ERP systems in the government contracting industry.

Manage user permissions and access

Simplify excel workbooks by pushing formulas and queries to the cloud

Faster, more, reliable report based deliverables

Integrate your data in one place.

Too many third party systems can be expensive and overcomplicate your business. Simplify things by connecting existing systems to one of the ERP softwares we work with.

Concurrent data validity across systems

Reduce duplication and entry error

Ensure inherent reconciliation

Automate everything.

Want to streamline your business? Extended ERP's automation module utilizes targeted cloud based RPA solutions to make your workflow smarter and more cost effective than ever.

We create workflows custom tailored to your business

Workflow bots run 24/7 don't make mistakes, and never go on vacation

Ready to automate your accounting?

Through a blend of creativity, technical skill, and innovation, Extended ERP is committed to guiding our clients towards the full optimization of their business tools. What does this mean? Working with Extended ERP will help you gain a competitive edge in your industry.

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